January 3rd, 2025
by Curt Edgerton
by Curt Edgerton
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Gift Of Hope 2024
While disassembling and organizing components from the Gift of Hope Light Park, I can't help but reflect on this Christmas season's events and activities. Over 3,700 vehicles transported people from different cultures, beliefs, and demographics through our light park this year. Each car received a physical copy of a gospel presentation in English and Spanish. They then experienced this same presentation through broadcast audio and Christmas lights. The two-family nights were both fun and exceptionally well attended. Although these numbers are encouraging, the number of people passing through a counter does not equal success.
The hollow thud of dropping another extension cord into a tub reminds me of the chaotic mess of lights, decorations, and equipment strewn across the FBC Beaumont campus earlier in December. During these weeks, a small army of crafty and creative women took on the daunting task of transforming our campus into a warm and welcoming festive space. As our campus interior transformed, another group set up the Gift of Hope Light Park. Our faith family comprises a broad spectrum of people. This is well demonstrated by those who donated the time and materials required to laser cut 500 custom Gift of Hope ornaments.
While searching for a tool I've lost, I again reminisce. During the Wise Men Still Seek Him sermon series, Dr. Christopher Moody spoke about how difficult it is to see past commercialized Christmas trappings and remember the why. In my life, this statement became so true. On a cold night before the park opened to the public, I was frustrated and fuming while attempting to find and repair one of many burnt-out bulbs. In my defense, untangling and repairing Christmas lights would make even Apostle Paul bitter. Precariously perched on a ladder, I was too focused on my diagnostic process to realize cars were driving through the park. This was until a soft-spoken man with an Indian accent asked me what all the lights were for. I shared the good news of Jesus with this man and his young family for ten minutes.
Attendance, attention, and traffic are incredible, but the reason for the FBC Beaumont Gift of Hope season is not lights, decorations, graphics, social media, or events. Those volunteers didn't give time and effort to increase the number on the attendance counter. Jesus preached to thousands throughout the Gospels but always worked towards personal interactions. The numbers on that traffic counter only matter because it counted the people Jesus loves.
Attendance, attention, and traffic are incredible, but the reason for the FBC Beaumont Gift of Hope season is not lights, decorations, graphics, social media, or events. Those volunteers didn't give time and effort to increase the number on the attendance counter. Jesus preached to thousands throughout the Gospels but always worked towards personal interactions. The numbers on that traffic counter only matter because it counted the people Jesus loves.
Curt Edgerton
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None of you did all this for praise, nonetheless, well done and thank you all! Thirty seven hundred vehicles with so many more people hearing the good news of Jesus. Pray it takes root in hearts.
nThank you, Curt, for sharing it all with us. Love it!
God is good, and He has blessed us so much!